Here’s a quick guide to the details we specify on your estimate.
1 – Our Ref
A unique identifying number. Please quote this number when referring to the estimate.
2 – Size/Spec
The physical size of the job, together with the total number of printed pages (pp). A single sheet, printed both sides is 2pp.
3 – Origination
How the artwork will be created. This could be text and photos or a print ready pdf.
4 – Proof
The type of proof we will provide for you to check all details are correct before printing.
5 – Printing
The colours that will be used to print your job.
6 – Materials
The paper, card or alternative material that your job will be printed on.
7 – Finishing
The process that your job will undergo to arrive at the finished job.
8 – Price
The price in pounds sterling (ex VAT) relating to the quantity. Not all printed items are vatable. Please ask for details.
9 – Run On
Additional cost for having more copies printed beyond the costs given above.
10 – Delivery
Where the job will be delivered to. Comments Additional information eg. artwork charges.
11 – Comment
Additional information, eg. artwork charges.
12 – Estimate Approval
If you are happy with the estimate and would like us to proceed, either sign and return or send us an email.